At the moment :


- The Human Factor



THE HUMAN FACTOR.  So here we are with some SF. I began some time ago at the beginning of the years 2000 and went back to it last year and I'm having a good time writing it. It tells of the encounter between a human like us and a human of another kind, an encounter which results in the existence of a hybrid, whose role is crucial to the survival of everyone. There is therefore a love story somewhere, but those it concerns do not admit to it, as they think it is impossible. This story allows me to play around with the notion of what is human. At the end of the first part, I'd read a book in the form of a comic strip by a local artist, Tom Joseph, and I liked his style, and since my writing is more "cinema-like", as I don't go in for long litterary descriptions and the dialogues go along with the action, I asked him if he would care to turn my text into a comic strip and I'd do the bubbles. He said that editors don't always take the original people, they might keep the artist and get someone else to write the bubbles (!), or vice-versa. But I don't want an artist that doesn't correspond to what I want, of course. And I don't want someone else writing my texts. So we dropped the subject. A pity, for we could have done a series as there are several parts to this story. So this story is busy trotting along to the end. However, I don't know whether I'll ever bring it out.


Extract : Human Factor - almost opening paragraphs

He was to join a cargo, the Janus, under the orders of Captain Derek Caplin, alongside Danele Cidron, communications officer, a lieutenant like himself. He didn’t know them yet but he had heard of the Captain who had been on cargoes for many years. He’d been everywhere, it was said. There wasn’t a system he didn’t know.

Good, thought David, for Pegasis V’s system was on the very edges of the Galaxi and those systems made people nervous. There was always the fear of running into the Iquouarians, or rather, there was the fear of being attacked by the Iquouarians.

The warring peoples of Terra, who had always considered themselves as being alone in the universe until their own arrival on the intersidereal scene a few hundred years ago, had found themselves in the presence of other inhabited worlds, other races of humanity, other peoples possessing technology more or less advanced, and, unfortunately, other conflicts. They found themselves thrown into the middle of an intergalactic conflict that had been going on for centuries, dominated by the Iquouarians, a people far more belligerent than themselves coming from another galaxy. The Iquouarians rampaged through the few systems they knew about, crushing everything and everybody, progressing from planet to planet like a steamroller that nobody knew how to stop.